The Jacobi FT Wilshire Bitcoin ETF

Pioneering a regulated, familiar and ESG responsible approach to digital asset investing

Fund Details as of 16/05/2024

The Fund’s overall objective is to buy and hold all of its assets in long-term holdings of Bitcoin
and seeks to provide holders of Participating Shares with the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation.

  • FAQs
Currency USD
Exchange Euronext Amsterdam
SFDR Classification Article 8
TER 1.50%

Historical Bitcoin Performance1

1: This fund-level information is not available because the Fund is new; Wilshire Indexes as of 31/07/2023. FTWBTC is utilised as a proxy illustration to represent Bitcoin’s historical performance. This index is quoted in USD and in no way represents the future performance of the Jacobi FT Wilshire Bitcoin ETF. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested.


As of 03/08/23

Prospectus (Scheme Particulars)

As of 03/08/23


As of 03/08/23

SFDR Legal Letter

As of 15/08/23

FT Wilshire Index Methodology

As of 15/08/23

SFDR Product Disclosure

As of 15/08/23


As of 03/08/23


As of 03/08/23


As of 03/08/23

BCOIN REC Methodology

As of 03/08/23

Gain exposure to ESG-aligned bitcoin investments

We believe blockchain technology represents a crucial democratizing step in the broader ongoing trend of global digitization, with Bitcoin leading the way.

As networks grow – so too does the associated demand for energy and natural resources. That’s why we deliver an investment solution that provides a Bitcoin exposure that contributes to a transition to renewable energy.

Decarbonising digital assets with Renewable Energy Certificates

The Jacobi FT Wilshire Bitcoin ETF has partnered with Zumo to deliver an approach to mitigating Bitcoin’s carbon footprint that can also drive additional renewable electricity demand using Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

RECs are a market instrument recognised by the GHG Protocol

Matched electricity consumption with 100% renewable energy

Sends a strong market signal, and drives renewable energy demand

The Jacobi FT Wilshire Bitcoin ETF Bitcoin ETF Highlights

We are dedicated to building innovative digital asset solutions, founded on trust, transparency, and simplicity. Our team of experienced professionals are driven by a shared passion for excellence and a deep understanding of exchange traded funds, allowing us to bring the worlds of digital assets and regulated investment frameworks to our investors.

Traded like any other equity-like instrument

Benefit from the simplicity and accessibility of a straightforward ETF structure

Launched with reputable partners

Rely on a network of experienced and reputable service providers to meet your investment needs

Bitcoin stored independently

Bitcoin purchased by the fund is held in secure custody by Fidelity Digital AssetsSM

Priced in real-time, buy and sell same day

Trading on the Euronext Amsterdam Exchange, under the $BCOIN ticker

SFDR Article 8

The fund’s do-no-significant-harm approach recognises & minimises Bitcoin’s negative externalities

Professional investor entry point

Minimum investment of US$100,000 required